How to Meet, Host & Dress
Successful and stylish wherever you go
Zehnder, Barbara/Senn, Daniel
ISBN 978-3-03909-393-9
1. Aufl.
erschienen in 2024
Sprache E
224 Seiten
Soeben erschienen.
Have you ever needed help with those important moments in your professional or personal life, be it planning a successful event under unfamiliar conditions, finding inspiration for small talk when it really counts or for knowing how to better bridge cultural divides? Then find all the practical solutions you are looking for right here. Barbara Zehnder and Daniel Senn offer the reader their extensive knowledge and expertise gained from decades of experience on the diplomatic stage, in the hospitality business, and in the fields of international etiquette and image coaching.
“How to Meet, Host & Dress”, is an indispensable companion for anyone wishing to enhance their professional and personal skills. It features a wealth of techniques and information on meeting and greeting, how to create the perfect event with wining and dining, as well as dress codes and styling for your success in any situation. The authors also share anecdotes from their respective global careers and provide historical background. With numerous links to helpful references, this book is a must-have for anyone who wants to feel confident and at ease in the international arena.
The Authors
Barbara Zehnder has been advising companies and individuals on image presentation, business etiquette, and how to dress correctly since 2003. Over 30 years of experience in the diplomatic arena as an event organiser, networker, host, and partner of a diplomat underpin the practical relevance of her input. Barbara is particularly interested in people and their communication – while focusing on overcoming intercultural barriers. She demonstrates how communication bridges can be built through appreciative attention and openness. Barbara has lived and worked in Switzerland, Belgium, South Korea, Austria, Ukraine, and Sweden. She currently lives in Switzerland.
Daniel Senn has over 30 years of experience in international hotel management. As a global professional and co-travelling partner in the diplomatic service, he has been organising gatherings, meetings, and promotional events worldwide for over 25 years. He practises professional service and hospitality with his heart and soul, both on and behind the scenes. Daniel shares his knowledge and experience – from chef to hotel manager – with generosity and enthusiasm. Daniel has lived and worked in Switzerland, the United States, Saudi Arabia, the Czech Republic, Thailand, Australia, Brazil, Nigeria, Spain, and Tunisia. He currently lives in Italy.
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Also available in German:
Zehnder/Senn: Meeting, Dining, Dress Codes – Erfolgreich und stilsicher auf jedem Parkett